Police Department

About the Luther Police Department

108 S Main St / P.O. Box 56 Luther, OK 73054

Always call 9-1-1 in an emergency.

The non-emergency phone number for the Police Department is 405-277-3500.

The men and women of the Luther Police Department are committed to enhancing the quality of life and lessening the fears of all citizens. Utilizing the authority and safeguards of the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms cited in the Bill of Rights, the laws and statutes of the State of Oklahoma, and the Town of Luther Ordinances, we, the members of the Luther Police Department, will work cooperatively with all segments of the general public and government to provide a safe environment and preserve the peace. This partnership is drawn on the premise that our product be one of service to all citizens with a special focus on solving real and perceived problems within the community. Our remedies and resources shall be from all levels of government, working in concert to accomplish our desired goals. Thus, as a Department of, and on behalf of, the Town of Luther, we obligate ourselves to becoming a catalyst for positive interaction between all services and functions to the Town. Please contact us with your questions or concerns.

Click here for the Request Extra Patrol Form.

Click here to read monthly call reports. 

Johnny Leafty
Chief of Police
Les Warren
Travonna Wright
School Resource Officer
Jeremy Ledford
Police Officer
Jason Hall
School Resource Officer
Christian Hall
Police Officer
Eric Campbell
Tyler Burright
Police Officer
K9 Kodi
Canine Officer
Dustin Wilson
Reserve Officer
Clayton Collier
Reserve Officer
Terry Arps
Board Liaison
