Town Manager’s Report | Nov. 22

October was a very busy month and November is proving to be the same. We submitted two grant applications to ACOG, for water valves and a for a new shop for LPWA. I’m currently working on two more infrastructure grants, while Mayor Arps works on an application for the trail at Wildhorse Park. One of the infrastructure grants is for replacement of all clay sewer lines in the Town. We have an item on the agenda to select the engineer for the project, which was a prerequisite for the grant application.

Our renewal rates for employee health insurance have been presented to me. The health insurance premium has gone up by an average of 5.3%, which is better than anticipated. It is through BlueCross/Blue Shield. Our broker shopped around and this was, by far, the best rate available. There are only a couple of insurance companies left in Oklahoma who will insure small groups. I recommend the renewal of the policy.

Cathy, Valarie, Dawn, and I have spent quite a bit of time with I.T. companies over the past few months. I believe XCel Office Solutions is our best option. They are the Town’s current managed service provider. However, I would like to postpone the vote until December because I don’t feel I understand the whole package enough to explain it at this time.

Our FY 22-23 budget has a transfer of $30K from Town to LPWA in anticipation of funds needed for capital improvements. We just paid an invoice for the lift station pump (around $17K) and we will be moving the hydrant very soon ($7500). There’s an agenda item to consider the budgeted transfer tonight

Sales tax and use tax have not been received as of today.

Scherrie Pidcock
Town Manager